The original art to this cover is long gone, but this is a digitally restored and enhanced painting taken from a scan of a copy.

Thank you to the charming webcomic Swiftriver for linking to A Distant Soil. I look forward to a nice long sit this weekend to give Swiftriver a good read!


  • Colleen

    I assume the site hiccup continues, because I can see the page fine. It could be your browser. These are two different paintings.

    I have noticed that if I load anything high res, it tends to mess with the site. I will try to go back and load a lower res version of this page.

  • Colleen

    I double checked the size of this file, it’s not high res. I”m not sure what’s going on. Let me dig a bit.

  • Aprillen

    First, let me say that I’m really amazed by this comic! *o*
    I’m currently on the Ascendant Cover page, and no other page so far has “hiccuped” for me like this one. I’ve tried reloading it several times, with long and short intervals. All the other pages have loaded just fine.
    I’m reading this in Chrome, but I’ll try a different browser to see what happens.

  • Aprillen

    Just a note to say that I tried viewing it in Waterfox (a Firefox clone) and it wasn’t showing up for me there either.

  • Colleen

    Thanks so much for letting me know. I will redo this page when I get back in the office. I truly appreciate your taking the time to point this out to me!

  • Aprillen

    I can see it! After clearing my cache and cookies with no success, I tried turning off Adblock, and now it shows up. Strange, because that hasn’t been a problem on any of the other pages. Still, thanks for going to the effort to fix it! It’s a great picture. I like the watercolour in the background and the fierce look on the guys!

  • Colleen

    Thank you so very much for kindly coming by and letting me know about the problem! I am so grateful!

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