A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 4 Page 15

This scene has gotten my book into hot water in libraries, primarily because Rieken is often mistaken for a woman. Apparently, those objecting to the book have not been bothered enough to read it.

An article with a mention of this troubling romantic moment appeared at Media Bistro.

And now it’s on the internet, corrupting your morals.

Today’s thrilling spectacle was brought to you by Anthony Soderquist. Thank you so very much for your kind support of my work! Enjoy the goodies.


  • Colleen

    BTW, my copy of the book doesn’t just flop open to this scene, as mentioned in the article.

    That is, unless you spend a lot of time lingering over this shot and have managed to crease the cover so the book flops open right here.

    If you look at it a really, really long time, you can just feel Teh Sex Evil.

    The pages get all wrinkly and sweaty, and then you go to the librarian and complain about it.

  • Arlnee

    yep, not even the fact that she calls him “my lord” can cut through teh stupidity of people who complain to librarians XD

  • Colleen

    I’ve seen more naughty business on network TV.

    Complaints like these make me desperate to figure out how to fit in a scene of naked pole dancing.

  • dcm

    remember that pastor guy who swore up and down that the Little Mermaid was full of sin and destroying our youth from the movie poster alone? Yeah, it’s those people. All they have to do is hear something they don’t like and suddenly they’ve got a pitchfork in hand and they never bother to find out if the information they got was correct or not. sigh….And lesbian sex is SO MUCH HARDER to explain to a child than hetero sex because, um….oh wait, it’s not.

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