A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 5 Page 14

Our noble and generous patron of today is Marcy Fitz-Randolph. THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY MUCH!


  • Colleen

    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2]


    If people want to engage in bizarre, rude, or off-topic chatter, they are welcome to do so elsewhere. Life is short. I am under no obligation to enable people who can’t behave themselves. I pay for and worked for this site. I am not paying to give other people a soundstage at my expense.

    I’ve sent several board members some of the more bizarre posts I have had to deal with, and the decision to delete was unanimous.

    There’ve been very few problems, but there was an individual who had to be banned this week. Whatever. I’m sure he will find other sites to troll, as a search based on his email address shows he spends a lot of time on thrash metal websites.

    I want a clean, friendly website. If people can’t keep it clean and friendly, they should leave.


  • Colleen

    Why yes, I did. Thanks to DC, we now have a wonderful easy-to-use ban function.

    I also banned a certain ancient ex-publisher who probably doesn’t realize I have been logging his every, stalker-licious visit (GET OVER ME, DUDE, and yes, I know your IP, it points RIGHT TO YOUR OFFICE,) as well as the infamous Moondoggie Writer Bob, whose activities include 72 visits in 24 hours. Usually around 2 AM.

    Clicks over and over and over.


    God, I hope that guy gets psychiatric help.

  • Gemina13

    Holy . . . ::gulps:: I don’t think I’ve seen such an expression of terror as the one on Merai’s face in the last panel. And the look on Niniri’s face when she warns him not to lie to her? Sheer predation. Almost as bad as Sere with Trieset.

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