A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 1 Page 15

No digital work, tone sheets, or patterns were used on this page, except for the background tones in panels 2 and 3. All other drawing, including stippling and detail work, is entirely by hand.

Volume I of A Distant Soil collects the first 240 pages on this site.


  • Carla Speed McNeil

    As shielded as they are from anything unpleasant, one wonders why the Ovanan don’t consider the logpile of dead children part of the ceremony. The kids are all beautifully dressed– but going into the ceremony no one knows which ones will live or die. They don’t have parents, as such, so no one’s emotionally invested in them as people. I assume their creches make the effort to make them look nice?

    Some Ovanan must view them as Buddhists do butter paintings. Something to be decorated as elaborately as possible, because it is so ephemeral.

    It’s interesting because I can see both philosophical viewpoints in this– the shallow ass who would only say “Oh, too bad, there goes the other little redhead, where’s that idiot with the wine?” as well as the deeper mind who might shave the corners of this ceremony until he or she could make it sound beautiful and poignant. Probably lots of emo poetry written about pretty children blowing away like autumn leaves.

  • Arlnee

    hi DCM! Great jorb! 😉 take two avatars out of the petty cash fund, you earned them.

    btw I just want to say the ads I’m seeing now with the new ad generator? Very nice, unobtrusive, and they don’t annoy me. Which is odd because 98% of all ads everywhere are blocked thanks to lovely Mr. Firefox Browser and the other 2% I have learned to tune out grudgingly but internally I make notes to avoid them because they managed to get through the adwall.

    But all of a sudden I saw pretty colors in rounded rectangles on the blog and, strangely, I approve. Tasteful selling beats shameful huxt0rzing any day of the week (and twice on Sunday)

  • Colleen

    I was concerned the advertisements might turn people off. But for now, no complaints. I may add more ad boxes later. We’re not really making much money on them, but we’re getting a huge increase in traffic, so I’m hopeful we’ll be selling some books.

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